The Panthera Tote is a true representation of what SENTIENT stand for. It is created in the name of the preservation of the Mexican Jaguar, following the Jaguar’s scientific name: Panthera Onca. SENTIENT bring the Panthera to life to exalt the efforts undertaken by Naturalia, an organisation that has been working for more than 30 years to protect Mexico’s vital ecosystems and biodiversity.
10% of the proceeds obtained from each purchase will be donated to Naturalia to support their Initiative Operation Jaguar, creating a network of natural reserves to protect jaguars and other species from extinction.
Cactus leather made by a Mexican based textile brand Desserto®. In the state of Zacatecas grows the cacti to create this sustainable and vegan leather in a fully organic plantation, meaning that no pesticides or herbicides are used for its harvest. The cactus plantation is USDA certified.
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